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Monday, May 30, 2011
The Dilemma:Film Review
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I wish I could have been able to see this movie before it came out in the theater and said to the production company, “do over!” I want to use my one lifetime “do over” (if there was such a thing) to re-write this script because the idea and title has promise, especially with the cast, but it disappointed me drastically. Not only was it not funny or interesting but it failed to make me care about the characters and Nick was unnecessarily thrust into a “happy endings” massage parlor which ruined his credibility for my sympathy. The only thing that made renting this movie less painful was that I didn’t have to pay a cent for it because of my free Blockbuster movie rental I got with my new DISH Network employee account. I exchange my movies in the mail and I don’t waste any gas; it sure makes checking the mail more exciting!