- The film is titled Country Strong. The film, directed by Shana Feste is the drama genre movie. Starring Garrett Hedlund, Gwyneth Paltrow and Leighton Meester. The film tells the story of the journey of life a country singer named Kelly Canter really successfully.
This story started when there is a successful country singer Kelly Cantrow (Gwyneth Paltrow), who went into rehabilitation for alcoholism due to the failure of big concerts that have been experienced. She goes through a stint at a facility but is released early at the request of her manager and husband James (McGraw).
While a patient, Kelly developed a close friendship with her sponsor Beau (Hedlund) WHO Happens to be an amazing singer. Beau Becomes one of the opening acts on her comeback tour, alongside a young songstress named Chiles, Kelly WHO sees as an impending threat. Amidst Their travels they're forced to deal with addiction, love, Triumph, and tragedy.
Release date: Fri 07, Jan 2011Watch Movie Trailer
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